Be yourself
Be yourself
What’s fashion to you ?
To us ? Authenticity. Truth. Freedom. Change. It can be anything you want it to be.
A way to express yourself, to be yourself, to feel yourself.
The way to say the most, without words.
Every Item is a reworked mashup of several second hand items or materials.
This way, we do not produce more.
The environmental matter needs us to change the way we consume. The (fashion) world is very unsustainable as it is. Too many clothes are being thrown away after having cost many ressources to produce, creating multiple negative effects on earth and all it’s different inhabitants.
We will not engage in this insane destruction of the nature.
To change the world we live in, we have to change the way we consume.
This is true of every different areas of life.
The fashion industry is one of the most destructives.
Following those fashion cycles, season after season, tirelessly while creating things that no one needs is pure madness.
Enough has been created today to drastically change the way we acquire clothes, and wear them.
The world of tomorrow is being shaped by today’s actions.
Cultivating internal well-being as much as taking care of our surroundings is a responsibility we have.
So we dress accordingly.
Wearable items is one of the earliest thing human-being has been doing.
From covering body parts, adapt to the weather and survive, to show that he belongs to a specific peer group and express his individuality or his similarity with the other.
Every item made by BanditKawaii is a 1 of 1 handmade unique item. None will be produced twice.
We believe that fashion is not about following any standards or trends that takes us away from our own individuality and makes us disappear in the conformity of the mass. We are not about society standards.
It’s a way to revolt against everything that we cannot accept. This world needs a lot of change. We will be a part of it. You could too.
It’s a way to express our freedom, our own persona and to get closer to our own truth. To shine for who we are as individuals while state our reality.
Each item made is a wearable art piece, a strong item that will reinforce your wardrobe for daily life or very special occasions.
It’s an opportunity to affirm yourself and state a clear message, Yours.